כתב נושא: לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.  (נקרא 7516 פעמים)

0 משתמשים ו- 3 אורחים נמצאים בנושא זה.

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #25 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 00:21:32 »
תשובה 1:
ooo dude , i told u this is in israel
i told u before , who ever be in israel jew or even muslim is our enemy
i didn't say that o we love u israelis
yes we are enemy as long u live in israel
out of israel is just bullshit
yemeni jews still in yemen , america tried to immigrate them to america but they refused
i'm not responsible about hates and racism in arab countries
because there is the same against muslims in europe and america

תשובה 2:
btw , saudi arabia and all arab countries hope to israel attack iran
whatever u do they will not support iran and hezbullah
in the last war against hezbullah they permitted any one to pray for hezbullah for victory
so u have good allies in arab countries
as one of your political charecters said , egypt is a treasure for israel
all your enemies is iran and hezbullah only

מנותק m4a1

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #26 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 06:36:13 »
jews arent the enemy, only the citicizen of israel. realy?
let me tell you somthing, in every culture in the world, during the entire history, in every war, big and small, there has always been traitors. when you say someone is jewish, but he lives in yemen with his enemies and helping, and tell me all proud and happy, look how we love jews! look how the karta get nice treatment in iran! that all you, our enemy, helping the traitors who cooperate with you. just like we got the snitches in the arab side who helps the mossad and such, you got the karta for example.
how can you say that people who hate islam are racist, look what happened in the u.s. look what happened in europe! some guys drew mohamad and all hell break lose. yea you guys are a delight.

the only reason saudi and some other countries hope we attak iran, that not coming from zionism motives, hell no, its all about inner power struggles of the muslim world. makes no diffrent to me. at the same breath you say saudi want israel to win iran, and i doubt if its true, they also fund al-kaida and teach there way, aka jihad, all over the islamic world. so please,  keep your illusions to the fools.

the situation in israel is that our political characters are no more then modern bossless slaves, some of them would sell jerusalem and the west wall because,"its just a wall, we got walls elsewhere"

syria sponsors hizballah aswell, saudi sponsors al kaida the muslim brothers are the fathers of hamas, and it goes on and on, lebanon supports hizballah, should i keep going?

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #27 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 12:11:23 »
הינה התשובות שלו:
u don't have the right to hate al-qaeda
al-qaeda didn't kill any jews or isralian , didn't fire any rocket on israel
so why u hate them !!!
they are doing your job , they are killing your enemies the muslims
also what saudi arabia did for u to hate them !!
u have secret air base in saudi arabia , your army are training saudi arabia forces
is this what u do for your allies !!

תשובה מס' 2:
aaa , u said we hate jews right
and u said we are supporting neturei karta
neturei karta aren't they are jews !!
they are jews and we guest them and i have a video for them and they are welcome in any muslim country
still u r sure we hate them !!
btw, prophet mohammad made the jews as allies and friends but because they shared in huge war with infidels against muslims to destroy them , prophet mohammad fired them
if they didn't do that stupid move , we would

תשובה מס' 3:
dude i don't want to argue more about the jews in yemen
they are living from thousands of years and still
so any stupid talks contrary with the fact which we see is useless
tell me when they ask u for help because muslim are slaughtering them ,
then we maybe can discuss but as long they are living and they didn't ask u for help
talks about them is useless

מנותק m4a1

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #28 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 13:54:40 »
al kaida never killed any jews? realy? there was a british or american reporter, i cant recall exacly, and he was slaughtered by al kaida members just for being jewish. so dont bullshit me about how alkaida is all about peace and love. and thats just 1 example, i can give you planty more if neccery.

saudi arabia is the base of islam, and our war is not agaisnt the arab world, we dont want to kill all arabs, i dont care if u arab i realy dont. the war is not against the arab race. its against the islamic religeon. and saudi arabia is the base of islamic religeon, and it supports alkaida and spreads its word all over the globe, and as i mentioned earlier al kaida is hostile.

i'll explain it again. neturi karta are not jews. u can call them wat ever you want. they are not jews. they are traitors to the jewish people. as far as im concern they are worst then hamas alkaida and the nazis  combined.
the very fact that the islamic world embrace them with open hands proves my point that you hate real jews. the buttom line about the love the islamic word presents towards neturi karta is that, in war, everyone appericiate a spy with in the enemy force.

in islam there are many diffrent saying regarding the jews, at the begining its all peace and love as you mentioned, but then it goes bad, and its starts to express hate and hostility towrads the jewish people. now there is a principle in islam, the verse that comes later is the one that counts. if verse 1 says X about somthing and verse  2 will say Y about the very same thing, the muslims go by verse 2 as its the 'corrected' word of god. and as the hostility and hate towards jews comes after the peace and love. according to islam thats the way that jews should be treated, death.

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #29 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 14:40:40 »
תודה,נראה אם הוא ישלח הודעה בקרוב.

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #30 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 15:08:33 »
תשובה 1)
look , there is islam and there is muslims
u can't judge islam by the doing of a normal one
u said neturei karta are not jews
so i'm telling u who kill is not following islam
coz islam says who kill one like killing all people , and who save a life is like saving all people
another verse
and whoever kill forbidden blood will go hell forever and god wil be angry to him and made a huge torture in hell
so don't judge what people to islam

תשובה 2)
oo al-qaeda killed one jew , oo how evil they are
look dude
in one operation they killed 995 shia muslim most of them are women and childs
and u say al-qaeda killed one jew !!!
one operation only 995
yesterday killed 65 and more than 150 injured in iraq
and u say al-qaeda will destroy israel and help israel !!!

אולי תיהיה תשובה שלישית.

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #31 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 15:11:34 »
bullshit ,
i will never mind to put mu hand in jews hand
any jews and not only neturei karta
if i can take the power in any place i will excuse the jews to have their homes and lands in any arab country
sure without weapons and flags

מנותק m4a1

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבק
« להגיב #32 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 16:16:25 »
i knew you'll react like that and bring me the there is islam and there are muslims card. so lets make 1 thing straight. the greatest way of life according to islam is JIHAD. jihad is done against the infidels. you can be a part of any stream of islam shiei nor suni it doesnt matter, the best thing you can do with your life according to islam is to take part in jihad.

now regarding the peace and love towards others in that verse. it talks about killing between muslims if ahmad kills ahmad for example, as according to islam infidiels are not superior enough to be called humans.

and i already mentioned it earlier, the verse you broguht is relativly an early one compared to the other verses  from the more progressed part of the quran, that states clearly that jews are to be killed and must be killed. and according to the priniciple that the newest part chronogicly is the right one, it blows your argument right off.

alkaida also did a bombing near a synagoge in iraq back in 2005. they attaked eilat with rockets and so on. far from innocent.

the reason i say that neturi karta are not jews is because they are traitors, they want jews out of there land. traitors. and nothing more.

מנותק חד כתער

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #33 ב- : אוגוסט 18, 2010, 22:01:16 »
תביא לינק לדיון?

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #34 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 00:16:41 »
תשובה מס'1:
u have to know something , in quran there is two types of people
the infidels whom are worshiping rocks in islam's first age , and whom worship fire
in our time it's include hindu,tibet,,,,etc
the second part is the people of holy books which is only christian and jews
in quran god call them " ahlu kitab"
ahl = own
al = the
kitab = bible or holy book " torah and christian bible"

the verse in quran which call muslim to kill the infidels " people whom not Christians or jews"
was just a war between muslims and infidels
muslim were sad when the roman lost the war against persia
so god told them that roma will beat persia and the believers will be happy

how muslims hates the jews and christians while god says roma will win and the believers will be happy

תשובה מס'3:
not u whom decide if this is jew or not
neturei karta are jews
u r the same of al-qaeda thinking
they kill shia because they say shia are not muslim
now u fire neturei karta out side judaism because u don't agree with their thinking !!!

מנותק יובל הכהניסט

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #35 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 01:14:35 »

לגבי הגויים(כולל מוסלמים) שלא מאמינים בתנ"ך,לא רק זה ההוכחה שהארץ שלנו.

יש עובדות בשטח.בני ישראל חיו פה מאז ומתמיד.הם יכולים להתכשח לתנ"ך אם הם רוצים,אבל לא לעובדות בשטח.

מנותק m4a1

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #36 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 08:12:13 »
you can call neturei karta jews, you can call them whatever you want. the fact remains they are traitors to there people. so you embracing them so wormly just proves my point.
the verse about what u call armagedon specificly says jews, not infidiels.

on which war you'r talking about? what years?

im al kaida now? let me tell u somthing, traitors should be killed regardless to race/religeon/nationality
traitors are the worst kind of scum. and neturi karta are traitors.

מנותק Emek

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  • הודעות: 38
לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #37 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 13:48:52 »
yes dude , it will be against jews , because both of us knows that armaggdon will be in israel
and you know that israel are jews
aren't they ?
also you will fight muslims ,
so what is the exclusive here !!!
armaggdon is known in in our religions and christianty
you say that u will kill muslims
and we will kill jews in israel
no jews in world
read it again , in israreal not in the world
whatever happen neturei karta are not our enemeis


dude , neturei karta are traitors to israel because they are not israelis
and u r traitors to judaism
this is the difference
israel is not judaism
neturei karta are judaism
israel is a secular country

מנותק El Blanco

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #38 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 13:54:59 »
תביא לינק לדיון

מנותק m4a1

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #39 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 14:11:40 »
you are in no position to decide who represents judaism and who doesnt. ofcourse we fight islam. islam wants to kill us and drive us away from our land,
by the way i asked you earlier for any proof that this land belongs to the so called "palestinians", and you came with nothing. i can give you tons of evidinnce, both bibical and from other nations prooving the israelites we're jewish, and ocupied this land for hundrets of years. and now we're back to our land. its still ours. its always been that way and always gonna be that way.

neturi karta are a bunch of human scum. you are my enemy, i can respect you, you are the enemy, and they work with you. that is the lowest and dirtiest kind of people. traitors.

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #40 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 14:58:41 »
sure i don't have the right to judge who is jew or not
but as i know israel is a country and judaism is a religion
neturei karta are religious people like jews in iran for example
they have the right even to attack israel but they still jews
unless neturei karta says destroy jews and kill jews , they will be traitors in this case
but israel is a country they hace the right to hate it
israel is not judaism so whom hates israel will hate judaism
u can't call me a tratior because i'm not israeli
the same for neturei karta

זה לא דיון,זאת ריב בין שני משתמשים שהאחד זה הוא אני,ושני זה אחד מעירק,שאנחנו מגיבים בין הפרופיל שלנו ביוטיוב..לאחד לשני.

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #41 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 15:00:53 »
u lived in palestine in some time but u don't own it
jacob was in raq , then he travelled to palestine , then after prophet Joseph took the control of egypt u travelled to egypt , then when prophet moses came he took u to palestine but u refused to attack palestine so god fired u 40 years , then after periods u back to palestine
as u seee , u don't own it and u don't have it
u just i lived in it for a while

u took it by force and we will take it by force
eye by eye

מנותק m4a1

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #42 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 16:24:11 »
israel as a country is somthing all jews, real jews,  strive for. because having a country means no more being a dimi for islamic countries and no more being the cyke the juden the big nouse christan kids killer we been in europe or  in islamic countries. it means freedom.
another point is that one of the most important things all jews are obligated for is living in israel. so neturi karta are traitors, both logicly and bibicly.

you are the enemny therefore you aint a traitor, neturi karta works with you, thefore they are traitors.

thorugh bibicle point of view, there is absoulutly no argument about who this land belongs to. you claim it belongs to someone else, ok, show me some evidence.
and yea we took it by force, do u know any country who didnt take control of its territory by force?
we lived there for a while, and your stole it for a while, and now we got it back for good.
i like eye for an eye, what you basicly say with eye for an eye, is that the powerful is the one who's right? fine by me.

by the way, if not jews, who are the right owners of this land? still waiting for answers!

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #43 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 22:05:10 »
  u said who own palestine
very very good question , always the believers own the rights , and always gods speech is the right and the truth
moses told u to invade palestine in his age , right is with moses
if i was born in his age , sure i will follow his orders even against arabs
the believers own the right
your books says the messiah will give the land to believers
we followed the prophet and we took it before u took it by force
now the messiah will bring it back soon 

   i agree u need a land , and u have the right to make your country
but not israel
any place except this holy land
if i can , i will help u to create a country in alaska in america , or in the open lands of china
i never mind to wipe the hindu and make your land instead
but sorry palestine is promised land for the evil people to be wiped on it's mountains

  as spam for the evidences about palestinanis , u should give an evidence how u took the right to live in israel
i think u know that the palestinians " kanaan the old name" are in this country before moses
so how u own this land !!!
it's their home from thousands of years ,
i told u jacob is originaly from iraq
abraham is from iraq
when u bought this land !!!! 

  it's not my problem , u say neturei karta are not jews , they says u r not jews
btw, they say israel is atheist country and doesn't belong to judaism
u r not a prophet to take your opinions as fact , u judge
but this your opinion not a fact
neturei says israel made against judaism belief and u r secular and athiest
because judaism don't allow jews to have a country 

מנותק m4a1

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #44 ב- : אוגוסט 19, 2010, 22:50:26 »
lets make 1 thing clear, i dont care at all about islam faith. the only reason i study about it is out of the principle of know your enemy.
israel belong to the jewish people, jacob might be from alaska and abraham can be from russia, it doesnt matter. god promised this land to the jewish people. and so it shall be.

now regardless to religeon, the israelites of the bible they slayed the entire population in the land of israel, aka kanaan, so the only right owners are the jews. we lost war and been exiled, it still our land. you people came and settled, its still our land. now we're back. its still our land. make what ever argument you may, its still our land.

i dont care for another country. i care for israel, in the holy land. there is no israel without the holy land.

the entire population of kanaan was wiped out by joshua.

regardless to judaism i'll say it again, for the 100 times. neturei karta are TRAITORS. you quoting them is the same if quote some self hating muslims, understood?

judaism doesnt allow jews to have a country? well that is bullshit.

מנותק Emek

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #45 ב- : אוגוסט 20, 2010, 19:06:18 »
in this case , argument will do nothing
u took it and u own the right by your power , ok
we will take the right by the power too
yes this land is promised for u even in islam ,
but only for short time and u promised to be in your maximum arrogant that u will think that no one will stop u
then our promise will come and we gonna take the right soon
the only one solution between us is by force

i have no problem with prophet Joshua , u had the right coz Joshua the prophet was with u
but after that two prophets came and u refused them , the christ and mohammad
we follow them so we will wipe u out like how u wiped kanaan with Joshua
let me ask u , how many prophet before moses , a lot , am i right
some times there was many prophets in one time
thousands of years and u think no prophet came after moses !!?
u skipped two
now we are the believers

i didn't mean by the believers whom own the right the muslims only
the believers are whom follow gods orders and prophets , including the followers of moses in his age
the the christian with jesus , then us with mohammad which your Torah mentioned his name
the messiah is coming and he will give signs that he is the prophet
the stick of moses and solomon ring and the real torah
if u will not believe , then this will be sad but u will be nothing in front of him

מנותק m4a1

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לענות על שאלות ביוטיוב,לאנשים שמבינים בבקשה.
« להגיב #46 ב- : אוגוסט 20, 2010, 19:25:03 »
you right about one thing, the only solution is war.

christ was nothing. a low class, self hating, born to a woman raped by roman soldier, he was half way to be rabi and he fell. thats it. he was stoned. thats your big prophet?
mohammad is bullshit. changed his mind so many times, 1st you pray to jerusalem, then you pray to mecca, thats bullshit to.

when mosses got the torah, it was a big event, you might compare it to a super huge party.
when jesus and mohhamad "got there bibles" it was by an angel, no witnnesses no nothing. by the way jesus didnt write anything by himself, it was all written like 100-200 years after he was nothing but ashes.
and christianity is nothing but bullshit, jesus never denied the fact he was jewish, and never ment to establish a new religeon.
now for mahhamad, he got his kuran from an angel  in the desert? realy? if i was god and i decide to support another group of ppl instead the jewish 1, i would make even more noise when i give them there bible, when moses got the bible it was infront of the entire jewish poplation back then, all blind men could see and all handicaps could walk etc. and when mohammad got it? complete silence. aka bullshit.